Has the visibility code ever felt so hard to crack, and yet, it seems to come so easily to others?
Well my lovely, there may be a reason for that (and hint: it’s NOT your fault!). In this episode of the Quiet Rebels® Podcast, I’m bringing on the amazing Nmadinobi Chloé Nwangwu as we unpack how the visibility game truly is RIGGED – and more importantly, what we can do to help ourselves in spite of this.
Join us as we discuss:
– Why it’s essential to know about visibility biases + the invisibility tax
– Underrepresentation vs Underrecognition – why this distinction matters
– How she got into Harvard Business Review to speak about these issues
And soooo much more!
For the links to the transcript and to connect further with Chloé:
*This episode is sponsored by The Ultimate Podcast Guesting Workshop Series 3.0!
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25 Expert Podcasters - including Jasmine Star, Rick Mulready and Jordan Gill - share their out of the box advice to help you get booked on more podcasts in 2022 and beyond.